
Real Name: Dinh Le
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 170 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Age: 24

Ethnicity: Vietnamese

Disposition: Traditionalist, sees martial arts as a way of life, doesn't like being in the spotlight.

History: Dinh is the first martial artist to learn to manipulate his chi. Rumors of him created a stir in the martial arts community, bringing challengers, wannabe pupils, to those seeking to learn the ability. Dinh is a traditionalist when it comes to the martial arts. Cloud Eagle Kung Fu is based on modern applications, so Dinh tends to practice alone. He believes traditional approaches have a character that modern styles lack. Dinh is often used to approach new chi-ters as "he was the first", bringing easy recognition and too often awe. He understands the importance of his role but wishes others would do it more often. He doesn't think he's special, if he hadn?t learned how to manipulate his chi first then simply someone else would have.

Model: Ho Tran
Martial Art Style(s) and Rank: Tay Son Kung Fu- 3rd Degree Black Belt
Advise for Beginning Martial Artists
: "Martial arts is not in the body, but the mind."