
Real Name: Mikel Zhang
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Age: 21

Ethnicity: Chinese

Disposition: Aggressive, enjoys fighting, not worried about little things in life.

History: Being an adrenaline junkie, Mikel was always attempting new dangerous feats. His passion soon steered toward martial arts. Becoming enraptured with the various ways the human body could be taught to injure an opponent, Mikel made it his hobby to constantly train under new teachers until he could learn no more from them. He would then test his new fighting styles on new opponents. With his emerging chi manipulation abilities, his lust for this thrill doubled. Often considered a hero for stopping muggers or purse snatchers, Mikel is actually looking for an excuse to try out new destructive maneuvers. He realizes being with the Cloud Eagles is a perfect opportunity to keep up his favorite past time. The leader, Magiddo, hopes that by being in a close group, his aggressions will dissolve over time.

Model: Rong Wang
Martial Art Style(s) and Rank: Contemporary Wushu- Black
Western Boxing
Advise for Beginning Martial Artists:
"Don't get injured."