
Real Name: Anjell Nakamura
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 116 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red
Age: 18

Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Caucasian

Disposition: Withdrawn, sensitive, mirrors Godspeed's somber demeanor.

Anjell's mother died during childbirth. Raised by a strict traditional Japanese father who wanted a boy, her childhood was anything but happy. Due to the harsh environment growing up, Anjell developed social anxiety disorder. Eventually running away from home when her chi abilities started manifesting, she was taken in by the Cloud Eagles. Partnered with her closest comrade, Godspeed, they are dubbed 'the Dark Devout'. Godspeed has taken it upon himself to be her protector. Though she trusts him, she is terrified of his dark demeanor at the same time. Not excelling in any specific area of the martial arts, her abilities are evenly dispersed. When backed into a corner, Anjell is most dangerous. With nowhere to go, she will unleash frantically upon her opponent in a controlled panic until her personal space is no longer threatened.

Model: Devon Mia Barnekov

Martial Art Style(s) and Rank: American Tae Kwon Do- 3rd Degree Black Belt

Advise for Beginning Martial Artists: "Work hard and you'll eventually get what you want to get, black belt probably."